FireCatcher from video analytics specialist Araani is a patented reliable early warning system for fire detection in critical environments. By adding Araani’s proven & tested video analytics to your visual security camera, FireCatcher offers superfast smoke and flame detection in places where traditional smoke detection systems fail due to slow detection or too many false alarms.


Everything you need for fire safety

Smart software

FireCatcher comes as software license for your Axis camera. The carefully developed algorithm scans the environment continuously and analyzes it in real time to exactly locate the incident.



Seamless integration

We make sure that FireCatcher is fully integrated and connected with your existing devices and systems, including LAN, VMS or Fire Alarm Control Panel. FireCatcher generates visual bounding box overlay and metadata for alarm visualization. FireCatcher features configurable detection zones to match any environment. Our partners are your guarantee for a smooth surveillance experience.

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Araani has FireCatcher Camera as a CNPP and BOSEC certified Video Smoke and Flame Detection solution.


BOSEC certified: ​​Certificate B - 9348 - FD - K 1078-a




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CNPP - TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION - ST LPMES - DEC.18.005 B Video Smoke and/or Flame Detection system



Installed by certified Araani partners

Araani and Araani certified integrators join forces to service their customers in the most efficient way along the entire process, from design and installation, over commissioning and fine-tuning towards the actual handover and service contract.

Is your traditional smoke detection suffering?

Try before you buy!

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